Aliquippa’s appreciation for the armed forces is demonstrated by the more than one-hundred Veteran’s Banners that proudly fly in the City, and it was designated as a Purple Heart City in 2023. This is one of the many praiseworthy designations, and the City’s historic landmarks, its location along the Ohio River, and major contributions to the steel industry invoke a sense of pride and nostalgia for Aliquippa. “All hands on deck!”
The Downtown Aliquippa Strategic Plan was prepared in February of 2021 in partnership with the Aliquippa Economic Development Corporation in an effort to improve streetscape elements and make Franklin Avenue easier for pedestrians, bicyclists and bus riders to navigate.
The downtown area of Franklin Avenue has wide sidewalks to accommodate large volumes of pedestrian traffic. On-street parking is available along both sides of Franklin Avenue, allowing easy access to restaurants, businesses, and municipal buildings such as the United States Postal Service, City of Aliquippa Municipal Building and Aliquippa Police Station. There is a speed limit of 25 mph strictly enforced along this corridor allowing for safe travel by pedestrians, bicyclists and bus riders. The Beaver County Transit Authority has eight bus stops along Franklin Avenue that provide access to farmers’ markets, doctor’s offices, recreational opportunities, retail shopping centers, etc., throughout Aliquippa, Beaver County and the neighboring city of Pittsburgh.
Aliquippa’s steadfast commitment to financial transparency and stability is evidenced by its exit from Act 47, which deemed the City as “distressed.” Exiting Act 47 after nearly thirty-six years was not an easy task, and it required municipal officials, businesses, residents, and community leaders to come together to reach one common goal which is to develop and adopt strategies that strengthened the City’s financial position. Through years of continued efforts, the City was able to eliminate its operating deficit and build a reserve fund. This could not be a better example of a Strong Town.
Although the City focused on reaching this significant goal, the administration and staff remained committed to the daily operations of the City. In an effort to minimize financial stress, grants were obtained to replace the roofs of the Police Station, Fire Station, and Public Works Garage. The Fire Department was awarded two additional grants to make necessary improvements to the station. This resulted in more than $900-thousand in upgrades to the City’s safety forces and public works facilities. Infrastructure upgrades in the City’s stormwater system and paving throughout the City continue to be a priority and funds are continually allocated to these assets. The parks and recreation facilities are not forgotten, the City has recently designated more than $700-thousand in upgrades and improvements through grant funding.
The Safe and Clean Program exemplifies the quick action and partnership by the City of Aliquippa and the Aliquippa Economic Development Corporation. Businesses suggested that having benches right outside their storefronts would encourage visitors and customers. These were purchased and installed along with trash receptacles with much success. After the first phase of installation, additional requests for benches and trash receptacles were made to the City by other business owners. This project also placed attractive planters along the street. Business owners were quick to volunteer to water and take care of the planters, even taking on the task of planting seasonal flowers. This low-cost opportunity yielded in attractive business storefronts, supportive business owners, and positive attitudes of passersby.
The Safe and Clean Program was put into motion in 2022 by the city securing a Keystone Communities grant for its downtown area. Additional grants were secured for sidewalk replacement, way-finding signage in the city’s downtown, and blight removal. More than $1 million has been invested in Franklin Avenue’s revitalization in the last several years to promote a safe and clean environment for the great city of Aliquippa.
Attending just one City Council meeting will demonstrate the passion that the City Administration, elected officials, personnel, residents, and all attendees have for their community. You can often hear the call of “All hands on deck”, instilling a feeling of partnership throughout the community. It is a recognition that not just one individual can accomplish the goals set forth in the City’s strategic plans.
The City of Aliquippa continues to update their website with a calendar of events, resolutions, ordinances, and various documents and forms to accommodate current and future residents, developers, and businesses. The City offers a suggestion box on their website; submissions are reviewed and closely considered as each resident, business owner, or visitor to the City is considered essential to the growth and development of the community. The City also connects through its social media pages. The Mayor and City Council attend numerous community events such as the holiday Light Up Night, various Aliquippa School District events, Citywide recycling events, ribbon-cutting ceremonies, facility dedications, just to name a few.